At Campus Mom, we believe in providing our valued clients with continuous support, exclusive perks and content, and unparalleled access to our services. That’s why we’ve designed our business model around a monthly membership subscription that provides you unlimited access to our extensive network of local professionals, businesses, and organizations, and exceptional service for you and your student. We're Your Local Link for Every Need and your Campus Mom.

Monthly membership subscription - $55


Birthday Celebration Package - $75

8” Decorated Nothing Bundt Cake (your choice of flavor)

Birthday Card

Balloon Bouquet

Delivered with love by a Campus Mom

A photo of your student with their gift will be taken and sent upon delivery

* Decorated cookies may be substituted for the 8” Nothing Bundt Cake for an additional $15/dozen.


  • Gifts: For an additional cost, gifts can be purchased and sent to Campus Mom or we will be happy to do your shopping and wrapping for you - just send us your list!

  • Custom hand-decorated cookies - $60/dozen

    Custom Special Occasion Celebration Packages - Starting at $35

    A custom designed gift, eats, or balloon bouquet can be created to make any special occasion for your student.

    Aggie Ring Day is coming up on April 10th - 12th! Get your orders in for custom celebration packages!

    Sick Check-In Visit - $50

    A Campus Mom will visit your student and check in with you to put your mind at ease. A list of up to 5 approved-by-you over-the-counter items will be provided in a get-well-quick kit for your student.

    Laundry Day - $40

Personalized laundry bags will be picked up and returned to the student’s location within 48 hours.

All items washed and folded or on hangers

Cost of laundry priced by the pound - not included in service price

Any dry cleaning items will be additional

Roadside Safety Check - $75

Roadside safety checks are available from 7AM-7PM

A Campus Mom staff member will meet your student at their location and wait up to 3 hours for the vehicle and student to be transported to a safe location.

Towing and expenses not included.

Every hour over the 3 hour safety check is an additional $25 per hour.

Amazon Return Days - $25

Don't let your money go down the drain when items are not returned in a timely manner! Twice a week, a Campus Mom staff member will pick up your student’s Amazon (or other UPS returns) and do the work for you! A confirmation email will be sent to you after returns are completed.